Contact Info

  • Adelaide, South Australia
  • 0479 154 508
  • Our Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm

Biofield Tuning

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How Does Biofield Tuning work?

Where are you located ?

I am currently located in Adelaide greater suburbs, South Australia. Contact us when booking a time for your tuning and address will be supplied.

How much does it cost ?

Tuning the human biofield usually lasts 90 minutes or slightly more depending on the reading of the energetic field of the client. Price may vary if the client wants a 2 hour session but an initial consultation will be set currently at approx $130.00 per session.

What level of training do I have ?

There is currently 4 courses offered in Australia to cover all aspects of Biofield Tuning being Basic, Intermediate, advanced and another Higher Level of specialized Biofield techniques. All courses have been completed by myself and utilized in my treatments with clients.

How many treatments will I need ?

To get the full benefits of tuning the human biofield & re-aligning your electro-magnetic field also known as the Biofield usually up to 1-3 Treatments will be needed to activate a necessary response in your energy patterns. Each individuals human biofield is different as some people may need extra treatments of up to 3-6 sessions to completely help clean up their electro-magnetic field.

Psychological and Physical ailments as well as Organ tuning will take more than one session to re-align their energy field in the necessary areas. Advanced techniques of Biofield tuning can also be done with those who are ready to activate higher energy awareness.

Biofield Tuning what is it ?

As a biofield tuning practitioner we use sound as a method that responds to the frequency of our bodies human biofield to help alleviate conditions such as biofield tuning for anxiety, stress, pain, insomnia, PTSD, organ issues, adrenal burn out and much more.

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Physical Ailments that can be improved

Treating the main Organs of the body The main organs of the body carry many emotions throughout your life that have embedded in to them. This can be alleviated to bring you back to a natural harmony within your bodily behavior. There are also symptoms that can be traced back to the organs that will cause physical signs and bodily functions which are not in tune with the rest of the body. These symptoms vary depending on which organ is out of harmonic balance. We can diagnose the organs through discussion and tuning fork tests upon request from yourself when getting a Biofield Tuning session.

Sample of Emotions for the Organs Lungs Grief, sadness, worry, depression , Heart Every emotion, particularly joy, anxiety, and mania, Large Intestine Grief and sadness, Small Intestine Joy, Liver Anger, depression, stress, frustration, overwhelm, irritable, restless, Kidney Fear, shock, betrayal, Stomach Pensiveness, overthinking, worry, mania, sympathy, Gall Bladder Anger, depression, fear, indecisiveness, Urinary Bladder Fear.,

We hold energies in the most unexpected areas as at times these energies are detrimental to the flow of life. Biofield Tuning gives you the opportunity to re-set your energy system.

Biofield Tuning is a tune up of the human toroidal biofield – the energy field that surrounds our bodies from birth to your current day of living. Blockages through trauma through your childhood to current day living cause illness as well as Psychological difficulties to the yourself and the human body.  Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.

Please note Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting.

During a booked Biofield Tuning session, a client lies fully clothed comfortably on a treatment table while the tuning session starts at the outer most area of the Biofield. The trained bio-fielder is  feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client’s energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the  tuning fork. When the bio-fielder comes across a blockage in the field or a stagnant area the energy in this area is worked on and dispersed so that the area of concern can flow again. The human biofield adjusts itself using the steady coherent energy of the tuning fork re-aligning the field via the fork.  The Human biofield then resolves itself and the resistance in the field dissipates the body then acknowledges the change in the field now in tune with the magnetic electric field around the body.

Biofield Tuning is sound vibration restoring bodily polarity.

Within each cell of the body there is what is called the celiac which has little antenae sensing all that is around us. The celiac can become damaged within life events that cause trauma and shock. Biofield Tuning awakens the celiac as well as the mirror representation of the Auric Field which intertwines with each other as a feedback loop system.

Healing Hands
Helping with care

Helping with trauma
releasing pressure

Tuning your
Biofield anatomy

Re-set adrenals
more energy

Advanced tunings
a clearer you

Cleansing your field
no more baggage